Sunday, January 18, 2009

Is Your House Cluttered?

Ours certainly is. If you're ever feeling like your house is a mess, take a look at the pictures below. This is how our house looks right now. Have we lowered our standards? Hmm, maybe a little. But our kids are clean (usually) and are wearing clean clothes (even if we're not) and we have food in our refrigerator, so I think we're still doing OK. I'm blaming the mess on two sick kids, one sick cat, and a husband who is working way too hard right now. (And right after I took these pictures he started folding laundry. Gotta love him.)

Our dining room (mostly clean laundry and Christmas decorations):

Our living room, aka the other playroom (boxes of clothes for Claire loaned by one of my friends and too many toys):

Stacks of paper, mail, magazines, Alex's artwork:

Our laundry room (dirty laundry, bins of clothes - Sherdian, I've been saving those for us to go through but at this rate Claire will have outgrown everything by the time we get to them)

Bring a shovel if you come visit so you can clear a path.

1 comment:

Ernie said...

How did you get these pictures? Did you break into my house while I wasn't there? I told Paul to use the deadbolt!

This is the best blog EVER!