Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Grandmother Reincarnate*

Poor little Claire is fighting a cold and sounds like she has emphysema. I took her to the doctor (twice this week!) since her breathing sounds so terrible but her oxygen levels were perfect, her lungs are clear (at least after she receives a breathing treatment), and blood work pointed to only a mild virus, so she's actually doing fine. She's a "happy wheezer" according to the doctor. I'm not making that up...that's the actual term they use, though she is a fairly happy baby and she definitely is wheezing.

Today was gorgeous so Claire got to go for a walk. Here she is decked out in a cute hat that actually fits. It was handed down to us by one of my friends (from one melon-headed baby to another).
Then we walked up to Alex's daycare to get him. I had the single stroller and had planned on putting Claire in the Ergo carrier while Alex rode in the stroller, but he insisted on being in the Ergo. Ever since I made the mistake of walking up to get him the day we had 40-50 MPH wind gusts and I stopped by a looming, and apparently very scary, hedge to soothe him as he screamed bloody murder, he's terrified of riding in the stroller past those bushes.

*My maternal grandmother ALWAYS had a lit cigarette (OK, well, only when she was awake) and, as far as I can remember at least, couldn't laugh without coughing. She laugh-coughed a lot, just like our little munchkin.

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