Thursday, March 12, 2009

Haircuts! Part II and Video

Three things I didn't include in my earlier post...

When Dave came home from work the day Alex got his hair cut, as soon as Alex heard him come in he exclaimed proudly, "Daddy! I got my hair cut!" It was very cute.

When I came in last night with my new 'do, Dave whispered in Alex's ear and then Alex said (that is, repeated), "Mommy, you look pretty." But unprompted he said, "Your hair looks...[a pause as he searches for the right word]...better."

And as promised, here's a photo from today, the "after" photo of Alex's hair. Alex and Claire were playing nicely together:

And some video from today. Nothing particularly interesting. Just a typical afternoon when it's too cold to play outside. (Yes, Mom, the toy you bought Alex for his first birthday is still a hit with him. And Claire likes it too.)
ETA (edited to add): Tonight when I gave Alex a kiss goodnight, instead of lying there quietly as usual, he turned to me and said, "I love you! Your hair looks good, Mommy." Awwwww!

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